5 Steps to Avoiding Empty Goals

Recently I came across this quote on Pinterest, “You have the same hours in the day as Beyonce.” First words that came to my mind when I read that were, “Oh boy.” lol I think it was a great self reflection moment, “Am I doing everything in my power DAILY to achieve my goals?!” We all know Beyonce is a powerhouse woman who is extremely successful. For most of us in one area or another we strive to have some type of success in life (if not, we should!) and when we look at people like Beyonce we question our existence haha what have I been doing all my life?!

Not everyone will reach the same level of success as Beyonce, we shouldn’t strive for that either. We should simply strive to be the BEST versions of ourselves. Doesn’t that make life so much simpler? Not comparing someone else’s success to your own? Of course we should look to others for inspiration, but sister trying to achieve the same success as someone else is so tiring. The one thing you should be worried about is being more successful than the person you were yesterday. You are your only competition. Girl, I’m telling you once you start focusing on your business and staying in your lane you will feel so free!

Another Pinterest quote for the win: “When you’re in your lane, there’s less traffic.”

Now, we want to be successful. We want to start that blog. We want to pursue that business. Pursue that degree. Get out of debt. Buy a car. How do we do it? How do we avoid what I’d call EMPTY GOALS?

I am a firm believer that the secret behind success is strategy and execution. Here are 5 crucial steps you can revisit daily to stay on top of your goals:

  1. Have a purpose – Establish your “WHY.” Why are you doing what you’re doing? Is it for yourself? Is it to help other people? Once you know your why this will encourage you throughout your process to KEEP GOING.
  2. Figure out how – Do you need training? Do you need to buy an e-book? Do you need to invest money into this? Do you need guidance from someone in that area of expertise? How much time will this actually take?
  3. Plan it out – A goal without a plan is just a wish. I love writing down all of my plans down in a planner, excel document, sticky notes, and the notes app in my phone! I legit have notes everywhere!
  4. Stay organized – Stick to your plan and make changes along the way if need be, but stay on top of it.
  5. Commit – Remember why you started and don’t stop. It can get so easy to quit when you don’t see the results of your actions instantly. You can’t get a degree in a day. It will never happen. All truly successful people know that great things take time and LOTS of work.

Friends, setting goals in life is so fun and exciting! Waking up with a purpose and motivation is so much better than living a boring life without ANY direction. God has created us to ENJOY LIFE! Find what makes you passionate and strive to be the best that YOU can be in that.

Stay encouraged sistas! Love you guys!

xo Jen





Hi beauties! I’m Jenypher and I'm so glad you're here. On this blog, you’ll find my favorite beauty products, affordable fashion finds as well as a glimpse of my life in NYC and NJ along the way. Above all the clothes, shoes, makeup and life happenings, I hope to inspire you to love yourself regardless of self-doubt or insecurity. God has declared, with His remarkable love that you are worth it. There is only one you, make her the best you yet!

Loving Lately

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