God made you, YOU!

Hi you guys! For those of you who have recently come across my blog, WELCOME! So glad you’re here! 🙂 I wanted to share this outfit with you all and a few words that have been on my heart lately and my shirt (haha)!

I’m sure you’ve heard the words in Psalm 139:14 before, “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Pretty words, right? They look nice on shirts, paintings, canvas’ and stuff but have these words ever really sunken into your soul? Like seriously just ponder that thought for a sec. When I finally understood the truth in these words I was mind blown. How could a God so big, so great even think to make little ole me. Who am I? Who are you?

God is the Creator of the most beautiful creatures, the sky, the sea, the moon, the stars, the sun… you name it, He made it.

And now what about me? Did He really make me? Did He really consider every single detail of my face, my body, my hair, my smile? Hard to fathom, but YES! He made me so unique and as a matter of fact He made me and said that I was good. (God saw all that He had made, and it was very good…” Genesis 1:31)

In the midst of my insecurity and the comparison I so often make with other peoples eyes, skin, nose, lips, hair, so on and so forth I just had to take a moment and tell my mind to stop. JUST STOP comparing yourself to other people. MAJOR KEY, GIRLS. One day you’re going to get so tired of your “thoughts” ruling your life and you’re just going to have to tell them to STOP! The Holy Spirit runs things around here, okkkkkkkay. We just have to surrender our thoughts to God and know that those thoughts of belittling what He has created is not of Him. God made no mistake when He made you, okay girl! I truly pray that you all secure these words in your hearts and in your mind. NEVER FORGET IT.

If this resonated with you in any way, LET ME KNOW! Comment on this post or DM me on insta @foreverjenypher. (Would love to keep the conversation going!)

Also, let me know if there’s anything you guys are interested in hearing from me! Any questions you may have, anything you’re struggling with, etc. I would truly love to help you girls and for this to be a community where we are free to discuss our struggles and encourage each other to truly live out our God-given purpose together. Love you, all! Talk to you soon!

MY TOP is from praiseoutloudthreads.com (Use Code: Jenypher15 for 15% off)

2 comments so far.

2 responses to “God made you, YOU!”

  1. Anissa says:

    Hi! I’m so glad I stopped by, this is a great post I love your blog! I enjoyed reading this and your take on scripture, your writing style is so conversational and fun! Photography is great too! Glad you came across my instagram, check out my blog as well! http://www.ireminiss.com

  2. Anabel Espinal says:

    I loved this message it spoke to my life in so many ways I can’t imagine! Thank you ! God bless you ! I loved these pictures and loved what you wrote! I really needed this. Amazing to see God shining right through you!❤️❤️



Hi beauties! I’m Jenypher and I'm so glad you're here. On this blog, you’ll find my favorite beauty products, affordable fashion finds as well as a glimpse of my life in NYC and NJ along the way. Above all the clothes, shoes, makeup and life happenings, I hope to inspire you to love yourself regardless of self-doubt or insecurity. God has declared, with His remarkable love that you are worth it. There is only one you, make her the best you yet!

Loving Lately

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