Things to Do on Coronavirus Quarantine

Things To Do on Corona Virus Quarantine

If you’re not used to being isolated for an extended period of time this Coronavirus may be making you a tad bit crazy (I’m feelin’ it lol). Things have gotten a little wild in NJ– closed schools, retail stores, restaurants, offices, 8pm curfews, working from home, etc. As everyone in the world is getting adjusted to this new way of living for the next several weeks, I am here to shed a bit of positivity on the situation! With more time on our hands, let’s make the best of it!

Here are 10 Things You Can Do While On Quarantine

  1. Deep clean your living space & organize. This is the perfect time to get started on Spring cleaning. Start selling clothes on Poshmark/ donate lightly worn items! My rule of thumb is if it’s broken, doesn’t fit, or I haven’t worn it in over a year, get rid of it. Someone else will gladly wear it!
  2. Get serious about your fitness. Unfortunately, my gym is closed but that does not mean we have to snack all day and blow up lol. I personally love going on YouTube & searching for workouts to do @ home! I would also recommend stretching frequently to help in reducing any stress you may feel during these uncertain times (this really helps!).
  3. Devote time to your dream projects! With our everyday lives consuming us sometimes we just can’t focus on our dreams. Use this time to start that blog you’ve been talking about, start the YouTube channel, write that book, start the Podcast (really exciting news! Jordon & I are actually starting our own Podcast realllllly soon! Eek! You heard it here first! *cheesing so hard right now*)!
  4. Spa Day! Take out a couple hours from your day for some refreshing “ME TIME.” Get a nice bubble bath running (personally love to use Lush bath bombs), do face masks, exfoliate your entire body, deep condition your hair, paint your nails!
  5. Phone a Friend! Maybe you’ve lost contact with a friend or family member because of how busy or hectic your schedule may have been! This is the perfect time to catch up via a FaceTime/phone call.
  6. Dedicate your time to digging into Scripture! Maybe you haven’t devoted much time to a specific book in the Bible and you’ve been wanting to learn more about it. There are tons of YouTube videos that can help walk you through books of the Bible! I love the “The Bible Project.”
  7. WORSHIP THE LORD! With all that’s going on in the world it is so critical to fix our eyes on Jesus! Take some time out of your day to sit in the presence of the Lord to simply worship Him for who He is and thank Him for another opportunity to live. A song that has been on repeat for me is, “You’re Welcome in this Place” by Maverick City Music!
  8. GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA! With all the free time you might find yourself with it so easy to get pulled into this social media world for hours on end just scrolling your life away. There is nothing wrong with going on social media; however, please be mindful of how much time you are spending on it. Practice self-control. Social media can be very toxic at times with everyone posting their opinions on this Corona Virus. Just be careful, friend!
  9. Practice your makeup skills! I LOVE watching makeup tutorials and practicing to get better. I’m not a makeup artist by any means so this is why I need help lol I suck at liquid eyeliner!
  10. Clean up your computer/hard drives/memory cards/emails! I recently just cleaned out my email account and I had over 30,000 emails. I can’t even believe I let it get that bad. Majority of them were spam or advertisers. You can use this time to unsubscribe from lots of unnecessary subscriptions!

I hope you have found this post helpful and that you now have some ideas on things to do with all this time you may have! Stay positive and continue to pray for those that have been affected by this virus. We will get through this!

Always here for you!




Hi beauties! I’m Jenypher and I'm so glad you're here. On this blog, you’ll find my favorite beauty products, affordable fashion finds as well as a glimpse of my life in NYC and NJ along the way. Above all the clothes, shoes, makeup and life happenings, I hope to inspire you to love yourself regardless of self-doubt or insecurity. God has declared, with His remarkable love that you are worth it. There is only one you, make her the best you yet!

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