My Day-to-Day COVID-19 Experience

This past week has been nothing short of a disappointment. I have had to fight with emotions so much because of how upset I had been for testing positive for COVID-19. My experience is unique, as it has been for many different people. I’ve already talked about my COVID experience a bit on stories and on my Youtube channel. Here on the blog, I guess I wanted to outline everything that happened in detail and then give a positive spin on it by sharing what the major takeaways have been through my experience.

I’ll start by stating that I tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday January 4th, 2021. I had unknowingly been exposed to someone who was positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday December 29, 2020. The person had not known they were positive until after the fact. I had started feeling symptoms on Friday night January 1, 2021 (what a start to the year lol).



My initial symptoms on Friday night were body aches, extreme exhaustion, chills and a fever. It was all very flu-like. I know when I get sick… so right away I knew something was wrong. I tried to push myself as much as I could and just prayed through it. I was hoping it would go away the next morning.


Saturday morning I slept in til like 2pm. It was very odd; however, I simply had no energy to be awake. My parents kept asking me what was wrong that I was so tired. I had no answer. I had no idea. I’m usually so energetic but this Saturday felt like I was dragging through the day.


Sunday morning I was really praying I’d wake up feeling better… but I wasn’t. So I made the decision not to go to church. I was so sad because if you’ve been following along you know Jordon and I have just started pastoring Glad Tidings in The Bronx and it’s been really hands on. So for me to not be there with the people we already love so much was difficult.


So on Monday I decided I should get tested for COVID after finding out that someone I had been around was positive. I did the rapid test at MedRite Urgent Care in Passaic, NJ. The cost was $75 and they let me know my results via a phone call an hour later. There was no appointment necessary and the line wasn’t terrible. The actual test was a tad bit uncomfortable, but I did it. When I found out I was positive, I instantly cried. I could not believe it… I knew that this meant the people around me could be effected. We had to cancel a worship night we were so excited about that was supposed to take place on Friday. Jordon quarantined and so did my family.


I was in isolation in my room and it was awful. All I could do was sleep, read, worship and sleep some more. My parents took such good care of me.. I’m so thankful for them. They tried to protect themselves as much as they could.


Wednesday morning I started losing my taste and smell. It was such a weird feeling! However, I started regaining my strength.


These two days I felt fine, even though I couldn’t taste or smell I felt perfectly fine! I had felt slight chest discomfort but it wasn’t anything too concerning.


My taste and smell came back!


I ended up going to get retested again at the same location (MedRite). I was really hoping to find a place for rapid test that I didn’t have to pay for again… but no luck. So I ended up paying $75 for another rapid test. The idea of waiting 4-6 days for results makes me too anxious, lol. So I got my result and it was NEGATIVE, praise the Lord!

Now here we are at current day Tuesday, and my parents actually tested positive for COVID. This has been really frustrating for me because it has felt like a never ending cycle. Wearing masks in the house… being super careful. We are praying this thing out in the name of Jesus. If you’ve been in a similar situation to this.. wow I feel your pain and frustration. It’s sad. But all I can say is Jesus is in control. The good, the bad, the uglyJesus is in control.

2 Positive Takeaways

I know it’s so hard to see the positive in the midst of difficult circumstances, but I will make the decision to do so.

  1. Remain joyful in ALL circumstances. The one thing that kept my joy going was worship music. The deeper the pain, the louder my worship.
  2. SLOW down. The past week I have been forced to slow down. I never realized how fast of a pace I was going until COVID hit. I was forced to sit in my room and think. Forced to not do any work because I was physically unable to. This has reset my perspective on pretty much everything. As I move forward with this new perspective, I’m taking my time with everything. Why was I in such a rush? Even the simplest everyday tasks were rushed. It’s a horrible way to live. Appreciate your life, appreciate your health and slow down.

Friends, as we continue to fight this horrible virus, let us be prayerful and preventative. Wear those masks.. think twice about group outings. It hit home for me and it sucked. Praying for you girls everyday.

Thank you girls for being in this with me.

xoxo Jen

If you missed it, here’s the YouTube video:







Hi beauties! I’m Jenypher and I'm so glad you're here. On this blog, you’ll find my favorite beauty products, affordable fashion finds as well as a glimpse of my life in NYC and NJ along the way. Above all the clothes, shoes, makeup and life happenings, I hope to inspire you to love yourself regardless of self-doubt or insecurity. God has declared, with His remarkable love that you are worth it. There is only one you, make her the best you yet!

Loving Lately

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